Saturday, April 20, 2019


Mavrovo National Park is the largest of the three national parks of Macedonia. It was founded in 1949 and is located in the west of the country in the Bistra mountain located South of Korab mountain. The national park, the lake, and the region are named after the village of Mavrovo. 
Area282.2 mi²
Open 24 hours
EstablishedApril 19, 1949
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Mavrovo National Park

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


➤ Baba Mountain  or also known by the name of its highest peak, Pelister, is a mountain in Macedonia. The Pelister (peak (2601 metres, or 8533 feet) overlooks the city of Bitola. Baba Mountain is the third highest mountain in Macedonia. 

➤ Other peaks besides Pelister are Dva Groba (2514 metres), Veternica (2420 metres), Musa (2350 metres), Rzana (2334 meters), Shiroka (2218 metres), Kozji Kamen (2199 metres), Griva (2198 metres) and Golema Chuka (2188 metres) in Macedonia, and Belavoda (2.179 meters), Kirko. The Baba massif splits up the rivers in the region, so that they either flow towards the Adriatic.

Baba mountain

➤ The Church of St. Sophia is located in the city of Ohrid Macedonia. The church is one of the most important monuments of North Macedonia, housing architecture and art from the Middle AgesThe church was built during the First Bulgarian Empire, after the official conversion to Christianity. Some sources date the building of the church during the rule of Knyaz Boris I (852 – 889). 

➤ Originally a synod church of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, later of the Archbishopric of Ohrid, it was subsequently converted into a mosqueduring the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The interior of the church has been preserved with frescoes from the 11th, 12th and 13th century, which represent some of the most significant achievements in Byzantine painting of the time.

St. Sophia

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


The Robevi House is a famous and historic building in Ohrid, Macedonia. It was built in its current state in 1863–1864 by Todor Petkov from a village Gari near Debar. Today the house is a protected cultural monument and belongs to the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and National Museum. 

The Robevi house


The Ancient theatre of Ohrid of the Hellenistic period is located in Ohrid Macedonia. It was built in 200 BC and is the only Hellenistic-type theatre in the country as the other three in ScupiStobi and Heraklea Lynkestis are from Roman times. It is unclear how many people the original theater used to seat, as only the lower section still exists. The open theater has a perfect location: the two hills that surround it keep it protected from winds that could interfere with acoustics during performances. During Roman times, the theater was also used for gladiator fights. However, since the theater was also a site of executions of Christians by the Romans, it rapidly turned to a highly disliked site by the locals. In fact, as a result of this dislike, the theater was abandoned and buried by the locals after the demise of the Roman Empire. 
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Ancient Theatre of Ohrid

Pelister National Park is a national park in the Municipality of Bitola, Macedonia. The park is located in the Baba Mountain massif and covers an area of 171.5 square kilometres. The altitude of the park varies between 927 and 2,601 m above sea level and is filled with exquisite flora and fauna. It was established in 1948. Aflora elements, the presence is especially significant of the five-needle pine molica, Pinus peuce - a unique species of Cenozoic age being present on only a few mountains in the Balkan Peninsula. The beauty of the landscape is enhanced by the diverse wildlife: bears, roe deer, wolves, chamois, deer, wild boars, rabbits, several species of eagles, partridges, red-billed choughs, and the endemic Macedonian Pelagonia trout.

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Pelister National Park